Get support by phone, e-mail, chat or by leaving a message to us.
Our customer support opening hours are from 9 am to 3 pm (GMT+3) on business days. Also our staff monitors server operation 24/7 reacting any server issues proactively - also providing support in critical issues also in the evenings and weekends. We will answer all non-critical support tickets within the next business day.
So you can be sure that we always take care of your services. You can also contact us with the following ways:
Our customer support experts will help you in English from 9 am to 3 pm (GMT+3) on business days. The cost of the call is your international call costs plus 0,08€ per call + 0,17€ per minute.
Email to us and on daytime we will answer usually within hours. Outside business hours you will receive answer at latest on the next business day (unless critical server issue which will be addressed asap).
on our Website
Open chat window from bottom right corner of this website. Our chatbot helps you 24/7 and optionally you can leave us a message.
using our form
You can also leave a message to us from the same chat window clicking envelope icon. You will receive answer to your email address (with same email support hours).
Hostaan Ltd
Snellmaninkatu 36-38
FI-70100 Kuopio, FINLAND
VAT code: FI29506566
VAT reg.
Customer Support, Development
Customer Support
Customer Support
Chief Executive, Support & Development
Executive Assistant