What is domain and how can I register it?


Domain name is your very own identity in the Internet. It is the address for your website but also your e-mail address can be based on it. Excellent domain name is easy to remember and describes your business or site content perfectly.


Hostaan Ltd is official Fi domain registrar and we also provide all the other main tld's with very affordable prices. When registering we make sure that the domain owner contact is always customer - so with us you can be always sure to really own your domain name. You can also transfer your existing domain to us or keep it in your current domain provider and point only its nameservers or DNS records to us - We give the choise for you.

How much domains costs?

This depends what domain ending you will choose. Our domain prices are very affordable - starting only from 0,99€/mo! You can check the full domain price list here.


Please notice that minimum period of domain registration is always 12 months. Also if you plan to register Fi domains with us, check out the special requirements related to them before issuing your order.

✅ In case you are about to transfer Fi domain, request registrar transfer key from your current domain provider. At emergency call directly to Traficom (tel. +358 295 345 656)



Starting from

Min 12 Mo's

Is your perfect domain available?

Check here if your perfect domain is still available for registration:

Domain transfers

In case you already have a registered domain, you can transfer it to us. You wil need authorization key (Auth-ID) from your current domain provider. After that you can make a transfer order from our system. We will transfer your domain to us and take care of domain renewals in the future automatically - so you don't need to stress about renewals.

Domains located on other registrars

In case you want to keep your domain on other provider or registrar, that is okay too. You can order only the hosting services from us and point your domain nameservers (or DNS) from other domain registrar to us. You will receive the required nameservers after your order has been processed. Please notice that in this option you or your current provider is responsible for renewing your domain - we cannot do that for you.

With us you can easily register any domain trustworthy and affordably. We are official registrar for FI domains and register also over 120 other domain endings.




min. 12 mo

your own domain!


.FI domain

✅ If your domain TLD is com, net, org or other, please request Auth-ID and domain lock & whois privacy removal and ask your current domain provider to accept our transfer request.

Remember to transfer your web site content and re-create your mailboxes to our server.


Transfering domains can take in some cases up to 7 days. So please act early enough before your current domain registral period expires.

Checklist before domain transfer: