
PHP-FPM bug caused short fi2 server outage - FIXED


On our server, there was a short-term fault in PHP on Sun 10 January at 9:50-11:05 causing PHP-FPM unoperable on this server. The problem was caused by bug #74709 / #72590 in PHP-FPM, which caused PHP opcache not to restart properly with the kill_all_lockers function.


This same problem was also detected for a short time at the end of the week on another server, which we already resolved in minutes. The issue was also investigated with the Plesk control panel supplier's support team. As a solution, all of our server have now been patched with settings that prevent kill_all_lockers, which should fix this bug to appear again.


We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this technical problem may have caused to our customers!