
WP development plans were renewed and WP-CLI command line utility is now available


We have renewed - WP development environment to better server our developers with the following improvements:


  • We doubled the disk space available in all dev plans, and disk space limits are now more abundant between 10-100 GB.
  • Smart Updates technology is now freely available in all of our WP dev plans. So from now on WordPress sites can be safely kept in the development environment without a immediate risk for security issues. In addition the developer can get familiarized with our Smart Update technology and decide whether to use the same update tehcnology in production sites as well (by ordering SmartWP or SmartWoo plans)

  • Larger development environment plans, Dev Premium, Dev Business and Dev Enterprise, designed for building 30-50 simultaneous WordPress development sites are also now available.


In addition, all of our WP, SmartWP, SmartWoo and Dev plans will also have a command-line utility WP-CLI to facilitate development in the future. This can be actived by requesting SSH Shell access from our customer support. The chroot SSH shell was also renewed to include new command tools.

